Saturday, October 13, 2012

Another session down, 2 more to go!

Halfway point through the twins' Senior Pictures.... which got me thinking.

I'm giving them... quite a bit. 4 total sessions (2 separate, 2 together).... printing rights... etc. I'm thinking that I need to come up with package ideas and prices if I'm going to keep this up. As of now, I've been going with the flow... kind of just tossing out what I think is a reasonable price. So... basically, cheap. Guess I know what I'm doing on my next day off. Invoice and package brainstorming.


So, I've had a family session since I started this post... And I have another 2 planned. As much as I'm wanting to have print design be my main focus... it's not turning out that way, is it? Hm... more thinking.

Need to get back to editing. Hope everyone is doing well and thank you for visiting! ^_^


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